REDCAMIF and COLAC sign a collaboration and friendship agreement to promote sustainable development and financial inclusion in Central America and the Dominican Republic

The Central American and Caribbean Microfinance Network (REDCAMIF) and the Latin American Confederation of Savings and Credit Cooperatives (COLAC) signed a collaboration and friendship agreement in May 2024, with the aim of promoting and boosting sustainable development, mutual cooperation, and encouraging the exchange of experiences, knowledge and best practices in the field of cooperatives and … Read more

The solidarity economy and financial inclusion in Colombia

Source and copyright: WWB Colombia Foundation. *Thanks to IC Fundación for reading this document in depth and contributing key elements to the discussions that arise here. Cooperatives have become increasingly significant within the solidarity economy in recent years, driven by the principles that guide them: self-management, mutual assistance for community rebuilding and strengthening, cooperation as … Read more

PILARH OPDF in Honduras develops an app for the management of microcredits

The strategic plan up to 2023 – Local projects and initiatives for the Regional Self-Development of Honduras (PILARH OPDF) – envisages the digitization of procedures within the institution. As a result, it called a tender (ADA – REDCAMIF) for a Digital Transformation system that would be easy to implement called “Quick Wins”. These initiatives allow … Read more

The chatbot Silvio as a new digital service for technical assistance

Financiera FDL launched an innovative model of technical assistance that has been active since late 2021 and is available on WhatsApp. The institution provides clients with the digital tools required to adopt ‘smart’ climate practices and offers them on-the-spot 24/7 technical advice on growing coffee and cocoa and stockbreeding. Clients of Financiera FDL using the … Read more

Financiera FDL Nicaragua develops sustainable financial products for stockbreeders

The Central American region is exposed to greater climate risks due to its geographical location, socioeconomic factors and a lack of capacity and resources at the institutional level to mitigate the risk of disasters and help adaptation to climate change. For this reason, ADA and REDCAMIF are carrying out a project to design and implement … Read more

Non-financial service offer to the clients belonging to the social community programme through the implementation of the poverty stoplight for integral development

The programme supported the MFI FUSAI (Fundación Salvadoreña de Apoyo Integral) in El Salvador, in its project “Offering value of non-financial services to the clients of the community social program, through the implementation of the stoplight for integrated development”. This project aims to provide support in the development of self-diagnosis and family life plans to 100 clients … Read more

Sustainable financing for the economic development of rural enterprises in Honduras

PILARH OPDF (Proyectos e Iniciativas Locales para el Autodesarrollo Regional de Honduras – Organización Privada de Desarrollo Financiero) in Honduras is one of the microfinance institutions that received technical and financial support from the programme to launch a pilot product development project. PILARH is a leading organisation in the economic and social development of rural areas … Read more