Social Housing

Facilitating access to housing for low-income families in Central America and the Caribbean Financial products for housing a) Progressive Housing Improvement:o Refurbishment, consists of minor works, low complexity and fast execution, a common product for an inexperienced MFI to venture into this type of financial service.o Expansion, consists of construction and incorporation of a new … Read more


We provide access to a complete and consolidated platform with a collection of historical information and constant updates of the microfinance markets of Central America and the Caribbean that provides inputs for the analysis, reporting, decision-making and negotiating power of the microfinance operators and stakeholders. Basic plan The basic plan will provide access to most … Read more

Virtual Assistants

We support microfinance institutions in the implementation of virtual assistants; tool that brings benefits in order to improve the customer experience, streamline processes and have a better market positioning. Among the main benefits are: ✅ Quick and updated information on loan balances ✅ Agencies information with geolocation ✅ Payment methods ✅ Product information and requirements … Read more

Financial Education – EDUFIN

The Central American and Caribbean Microfinance Network – REDCAMIF promotes financial education through EDUFIN Program. This is a digital solution aimed at microfinance institutions and other entities that promote financial health among their clients. The tool provides efficient solutions at low costs and is massive. The digital content is structured by animated videos and a … Read more

Information and Analysis

We strengthen the microfinance sector through the generation and analysis of information, research and design of tools and products for the monitoring and measurement of the microfinance markets in a periodic and timely manner. a) Financial Performance Analysis We evaluate and analyze the current financial situation of the institution, with an analysis of trends and … Read more

Client Protection Assessment

The evaluation presents a diagnosis of the way in which the institution incorporates the Protection Client Principles into its practices, provides a comprehensive and independent vision of the client protection practices of a financial institution. Why should your institution do a Client Protection Assessment? An assessment can benefit your institution by evaluating how well you … Read more

Risk Management

We strengthen institutional capacities for risk exposure analysis and evaluation. The process includes the implementation of auxiliary tools for risk management. Basic Risk Management• Constitution of the Risk Committee• Induction workshops and auxiliary tools for MFIs• Review, adaptation and adjustment of the documents: Risk Policy, Regulation and Risk Manual• Assistance in the implementation of two … Read more

Managerial Coaching

We seek to improve the financial and social performance of the institution, enhance managerial effectiveness at the level of strategic management, time management and communication / motivation of employees. Implementation methodology: • Clinical Diagnosis, to determine critical points and needs for management improvement. • Therapeutic Treatment, to implement the improvement activities specified in the management … Read more

Social Audit

We use the SPI4 tool that integrates the Universal Standards for Social Performance Management, with these results the institution can develop an action plan. What is SPI4? The SPI4–Social Performance Indicators 4–is a social performance assessment tool for financial service providers (FSP). The SPI4 allows FSPs evaluate their level of implementation of the Universal Standards … Read more

Good Corporate Governance

We support the improvement of Governance processes through a better definition of roles, information architecture, supervision and control processes, conflict management and decision-making through an operational tool. The following are the major objectives of the evaluation and accompaniment for improvement of the operations of governance bodies in an MFI: 1. Identify and analyse the critical … Read more