Managed by: Social Performance Task Force (SPTF) and Central American and Caribbean Microfinance Network (REDCAMIF).

Purpose of the responsible and inclusive finance facility : to strengthen the social performance management (SPM) practices, including client protection practices of financial service providers (FSPs) in Central America and the Caribbean.

RIFF-CAC offers trainings, co-finances FSP evaluations and upgrade projects and develops new resources.

• Trainings. Offered free of charge to participants.
1) Intro to responsible inclusive finance, focusing on the Universal Standards and SPI4;
2) Training potential auditors and FSPs on the use of the SPI4 social audit tool; and
3) Training to technical assistance (TA) providers on client protection or other SPM topics.

• Co-financing. The Facility will reimburse 50% of the cost of any of the following activities:
1) External SPI4 assessment plus creation of an action plan;
2) Smart assessment or Smart Certification;
3) Upgrade project chosen by the FSP to improve SPM practices; or
4) Social rating

• New resources.
1) Improve and expand the existing SPTF database of TA providers; and
2) Develop new resources based on demand, such as case studies, videos, or tools.

Under the auspices of : Swiss Development and Cooperation  (SDC) supports the Facility’s projects in Central America and Mexico, while the European Investment Bank (EIB) supports projects in the Caribbean.

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